Rosmarinus officinalis var. prostratus

Trailing rosemary

More than a herb, evergreen groundcover, low maintenance shrub

Plant Profile: Rosmarinus officinalis var. prostratus

  1. Common Name: Creeping Rosemary
  2. Scientific Name: Rosmarinus officinalis var. prostratus
  3. Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)
  4. Plant Type: Evergreen shrub
  5. Native Range: Mediterranean region
  6. Zone Adaptability:

USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-10
RHS Hardiness Zones: H4-H7

  1. Ideal Conditions:

Full sun
Well-drained soil
Moderate water requirements

  1. Size:

Height: 1-2 feet (0.3-0.6 meters)
Spread: 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 meters)

  1. Growth Rate: Moderate
  2. Bloom Time: Spring to early summer
  3. Bloom Description:

Small, light blue flowers
Borne in clusters at the ends of branches

  1. Leaf Description:

Narrow, needle-like leaves
Dark green in color
Aromatic when crushed

  1. Uses in Landscaping:

Ground cover
Rock gardens

  1. Maintenance:

Prune after flowering to maintain shape
Water regularly during dry spells
Fertilize in spring with a balanced fertilizer

  1. Pests/Diseases:

Generally pest and disease-free

  1. Other Features:

Drought tolerant
Attracts pollinators

  1. Propagating:

Can be propagated from stem cuttings

  1. Availability:

Widely available at garden centers and nurseries

  1. Pollinators:

Attracts bees and butterflies

I have planted a good number of plants of trailing rosemary in the Pylon Garden area. I wanted evergreen foliage, that was dense to help suppress weeds, but was decorative too. The grey green aromatic foliage is perfect for combining with decorative stone mulch.

The flowers are produced in Spring, their bright blue is a welcome Spring bonus.

The aromatic foliage is used as a culinary herb, so the fact that you can snip a few sprigs when grilling meat on the barbecue is another bonus.

It is easy to grow, drought tolerant, decorative, low maintenance and tasty too.
