Autumn kicks

You can hear the light crunch, the shuffle of the fallen leaves, rustling into new formations as feet shuffle through the gold and bronze of autumn’s yearly fall. Kicking leaves and watching them fall again and hearing their rustling call, it is a simple joy. Along the branches, shining globes of brilliant red, the fruitContinue reading “Autumn kicks”

5 Autumn blooming Perennials

​​ I originally put together this short video featuring these hardy herbaceous perennials a few weeks ago. They are all still blooming well, thanks in part to the mild weather, no frost as yet. The plants featured were photographed in two locations; our pot garden (Anthemis ‘Sauce Hollandaise, Verbena bonariensis, Erigeron karvinskianus) and where  IContinue reading “5 Autumn blooming Perennials”

Little South African enjoys pot in Ireland

Bulbinella hookeri,  an unassuming clump of short grassy leaders emerged in the centre of the pot in Spring. There is no label, I study the leaves, a minute passes as I try to recollect, then it comes back to me,”the yellow lad from South Africa”. Bulbinella hookeri, the name returns to me, this is aContinue reading “Little South African enjoys pot in Ireland”