Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear

A few years ago we sowed some seed of a Tomato, the variety was called Tomato ‘Red Centiflor’. We purchased it from Irish Seedsavers Association. It grew well, a tasty little tomato. It bears its fruit in big clusters. The trusses, the fruiting branches f tomatoes, are packed with a huge mass of flowers andContinue reading “Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear”

Helsinki Granny’s Green Tomato Pickles

Yes, it is the end of the tomatoes, for this year. Cold nights have taken their toll. Limp leaves hang and slowly start to mould, soft under developed fruits drop to the ground and their is an air of melancholic resignation about the plants, their stems twisted around the twines. We plucked the last ofContinue reading “Helsinki Granny’s Green Tomato Pickles”