Back in Blog… still foraging, still cooking, still gardening…

Oh how time has flown… it has been quite a while since I last posted a blog on this site. Its not that I have lost interest in gardening,  foraging and cooking, I still vey much have a passion for blooms and food. Over the last months I have been taking my foraging activities toContinue reading “Back in Blog… still foraging, still cooking, still gardening…”

Cranberry and Orange Tart – Recipe

Cranberry and Orange Tart Recipe This is one of the lovely cakes that we enjoyed during our Christmas Wreath Workshop on 1st December in The Garden School. Here is a link to the Christmas Wreath Workshop Pastry Ingredients: 2 cups of porridge oat flakes 2 cups of whole grain spelt flour 100g butter 4 rounded dessertContinue reading “Cranberry and Orange Tart – Recipe”

Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear

A few years ago we sowed some seed of a Tomato, the variety was called Tomato ‘Red Centiflor’. We purchased it from Irish Seedsavers Association. It grew well, a tasty little tomato. It bears its fruit in big clusters. The trusses, the fruiting branches f tomatoes, are packed with a huge mass of flowers andContinue reading “Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear”

Hawthorn Tapanade Recipe

Hawthorn, whitethorn, May bush; Crataegus monogyna. You see it all around the Irish countryside, sometimes old rings of the gnarled and spiny trees are left untouched in rings in the middle of fields. For generations they have been treated with respect and superstition, this is where the fairies live. In our garden we have wildContinue reading “Hawthorn Tapanade Recipe”

Blackberry Ketchup Recipe

Blackberries are coming to the end for this year, but you might still be able to pick a kilo for this delicious recipe, Blackberry Ketchup. It is delicious with all sorts of savoury foods, use it instead or tomato ketchup. I love it with organic pork sausages that I buy at the market. It isContinue reading “Blackberry Ketchup Recipe”

Helsinki Granny’s Green Tomato Pickles

Yes, it is the end of the tomatoes, for this year. Cold nights have taken their toll. Limp leaves hang and slowly start to mould, soft under developed fruits drop to the ground and their is an air of melancholic resignation about the plants, their stems twisted around the twines. We plucked the last ofContinue reading “Helsinki Granny’s Green Tomato Pickles”

Fruit of the vine- a gift of grapes means lots of grape jam

I got the call on Sunday morning,” I have friend of a friend who has a grape vine…”. The vine grower now lives in France, but the vine in question grows in Sligo. Nobody wanted the grapes, the caller thought of me, “would I like the grapes?”  Yes, definitely. We arranged to meet on TuesdayContinue reading “Fruit of the vine- a gift of grapes means lots of grape jam”