Gotcha Oca! Oxalis tuberosa – A new root crop with a future?

I first grew Oxalis tuberosa about fifteen years ago. I received the seed from a seed list, it was listed as an alpine plant from South America. I grew it in a well drained compost, lean, without much fertilizer and it eventually produced an attractive yellow flower. It was quite nice. Last year I wasContinue reading “Gotcha Oca! Oxalis tuberosa – A new root crop with a future?”

The First Weeds Are The First Harvest- Chickweed Soup Recipe

Happy New Year! the weather here in the west of Ireland has been unusually mild, which is great in some respects; I can look forward to inhaling the sweet fragrance of Daphne bholua flowers in the next few days, the gorse bushes are about to flower and I can soon enjoy some sweet gorse flowerContinue reading “The First Weeds Are The First Harvest- Chickweed Soup Recipe”

Lemon and Rosemary Tartlets – Recipe

Rosemary is both a handsome shrub for the garden and a delicious flavouring in the kitchen. Rosmarinus officinalis, as it is named botanically is an evergreen shrub that grows to about 1.2 metres (4ft) and produces bright blue flowers in late Spring. Although it was killed by the hard winter a couple of years ago,Continue reading “Lemon and Rosemary Tartlets – Recipe”

Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear

A few years ago we sowed some seed of a Tomato, the variety was called Tomato ‘Red Centiflor’. We purchased it from Irish Seedsavers Association. It grew well, a tasty little tomato. It bears its fruit in big clusters. The trusses, the fruiting branches f tomatoes, are packed with a huge mass of flowers andContinue reading “Tom’s Tom- From red centiflor to little yellow pear”

Finnish Style Cabbage Bake – Recipe

Some of the heads of cabbage in the garden are too big to use all at once. We cut a head of the white winter cabbage today, I was messing around with it when I brought into the kitchen, It was bigger than my head! Somehow from that Hanna was inspired to make a cabbageContinue reading “Finnish Style Cabbage Bake – Recipe”

Swiss Chard Tart Recipe

Swiss Chard is a leafy vegetable which is much under used and a lesser known alternative to spinach. Whereas spinach had a cartoon sailor hero to promote its muscle growing benefits, Swiss Chard or Leaf Beet as it is also known has never been endorsed by a Popeye. Chard is rarely sold in supermarkets asContinue reading “Swiss Chard Tart Recipe”

Blackberry Ketchup Recipe

Blackberries are coming to the end for this year, but you might still be able to pick a kilo for this delicious recipe, Blackberry Ketchup. It is delicious with all sorts of savoury foods, use it instead or tomato ketchup. I love it with organic pork sausages that I buy at the market. It isContinue reading “Blackberry Ketchup Recipe”